Host: Diamantero
Genres: Tropical Bass, House, Dembow
Tuesday 5pm UK


MUSICADEPINGA represents the continuation of a long history of musical promotion and diffussion that starts when a pair of Venezuelan DJ dudes – Daniel García and Eduardo Luis Hernández – put up a little blog/zine named NTSFRSH, following the hipster tradition of knowing you’re fresh but not taking it for granted.


This was in 2009: an age which, as the Mandela Effect would have it – or perhaps early onset Alzheimer’s – would seem to remain in existence, never quite disappearing. As if it were yesterday. Just like that time when Todosantos sung “You’re trapped in the ’80s!” but nastier. Digressions aside, that tiny blog, where the works of everyone who approached the admins were published would become the COCOBASS netlabel.


And COCOBASS is recognized by Doctors as a healthy source of bien depinga (Ven: quite cool). The two Venezuelans and the Mexican really put some work into their project, as they managed to publish the musical offspring of a flock of producers with the most delicious indie attitude: no money spent, DIY, gratia artis and other superlative expressions of rebelliousness, amounting to a cozy 44 releases by artist from the likes of Sunsplash, Ernesto Pantin, VFRO, Boi Patrol, Ferraz, Hokus Pokus, Joni Forest, Antwood… all of these, parts of a scene that keep the flame of cool burning in the heart of their digital and national paisanos (Ve: fellow countrydudes).

Diamantero in WIDE Radio

But the dream ends, and we wake up far away from the patria, somewhere in our twentysomes and on another shore of the Atlantic charco (Ve: ‘puddle’, affectionate diminutive of the ‘big blue thing of water’).


Now, Daniel – a. k. a. DIAMANTERO – comes back with WIDE Radio on a show consacrated to the new voices of Venezuelan electronic music, in which everything’s heard and discussed through the marvel of soundwaves (long gone are the days of hints and reviews on digital text walls). MUSICADEPINGA has no defined genre barriers, still, we can expect a display of the Tropical Bass, House and Dembow music that were so prominent in professional trajectory as well as unpredictable novelties.


To keep track of Venezuelan music from the patria and everywhere around the world, tune in to MUSICADEPINGA once a month, on Thursdays at 5pm UK, here on WIDE Radio.