Despertar: A compilation about the current situation in Chile


This compilation was made with the urgent call of attention about the current situation that Chile is going through. Friendship, community bonds, rebellion, bodies autonomy and the equality demands expressed these days in the streets, represent an unbearable image for the neo-liberal right, because this has allowed to glimpse that another life is possible.

The 20 years that Pinochet’s bloody dictatorship lasted, did not only finish with Allende’s socialist government, turning the country into the first neo-liberal lab in the world, but they accomplished to spread a deep fear to its people. Any alternative vision to the economic calculation, to individualism and meritocracy was silenced, even after the return of democracy. Despite the high social inequality numbers, Chile was considered, until a few weeks ago, as a peaceful “oasis” within a continent that’s marked by social conflict.

But Chile woke up. In October 2019, boosted by the new generations irreverence, millions of people claim for a life that’s worthwhile to live. The president Piñera’s government replied with the only language they know to attend this demands: repression. In different cities throughout the country, protesters are being killed, tortured and raped by the brutal police and military force, while the media hides the crimes of the state. The president Piñera insists on the need of going back to “normal”, but people doesn’t accept this normality anymore.

We believe that in the crevices that music allows and in the international networks that are weaved around artistic creation, as it is in the extended protests around the globe, the pulse beats as a promise of a non-liberal existence, determined by solidarity and empathy. This compilation, that will allocate the funds raised to human rights institutions, voices this conviction and hopes that these recent events are only the starting point for a deep and unstoppable transformation.




Words by @f.a.n.g.o
Artwork by @1989________