WIDE Recomienda 0007


1. WesFlex – ¿Bailas?

We don’t know a whole darn lot about Wes Flex: his soundcloud does shout out to the rooftops that his thing is Jersey Club, mangling the words of all kinds of artists (Drake, Bad Bunny, Skrillex and a very long etc.) and bringing up the mix until everything comes together at 150 BPM. As a geeky counterweight to these guilty pleasures of him, he doesn’t bother to dissimulate his slight obsession over K-pop, cute Korean girls wearing the double eyelid plastic surgery, vidyagaems and DBZ.

Just a couple of weeks ago he dropped Bailas? Giving new life to a 2007 track, as if Cupid and Aubre O’Day came out of the Wheel of Samsara after death and were reborn as millenials.


2. The Heatwave – Closer to Me

Gabriel Heatwave and Benjamin D joined forces with taltend reggae gusion Stylo G to create a racuous track boasting kilograms of attitude that obliges the listener to shake their posterior: A tight kick drum, epilleptic trumpets and a bassline out from the SNES provide a background for the delay wet voice of Stylo, who brags and rambles in patois. The result feels oddly similar to living in a rap video, smoking weed on a limo which you’ll only ever so ocassionally leave to show off your fancy clothes in discos packed with fat bottomed girls.



Ch-check out our latest gem in New Discovery: Serpent with Feet 🐍


3. SZA – Broken Clocks

Let’s just spoil the whole metaphor: what does a broken clock do? Well it don’t give time, it don’t go forward, it just stay thar, or then. Like those loved loves we left behind for our own mental well being, but still…

This is how SZA opens up her little heart on Broken Clocks, of which a videoclip appeared just a week ago: a fretful and confused tale, part dream, part retrospect, where all the aspects of a functioning and quiet life overlap with escapades to the strip club, running away from a sneaky feeling of asphyxiation.



With an amazing vocal registry and a mild but very adorable penchant for sonic experiments, CIFIKA has been gaining momentum as one of the most widespread Korean artists (in a registry VERY parallel to the K-pop phenomenon). Moving between dance and downtempo and covering a mood range starting at sneering indifference and ending up on painful goodbyes, her music has a comfortable weight to the hands. “PIETA” is probably the friendliest track from her laterst EP, PRISM, a sophisticate and multi-faceted album and a very fitting successor to her debut INTELLIGENTSIA, of which we’ll surely be hearing a lot from on following months.


5. Yeule – Pocky Boy

Somewhere between Seoul and Tokyo (or perhaps London?), we meet Yeule, the dream gurl of that undercover otaku who listens to Cocteau Twins, Slowdive and/or Chromatics. We can’t be sure if she’s a tsundere or a yandere, but we’re pretty sure this little girl is very serious about gothic makeup, whispering vocals and reverb drenched synthesizers. Pocky Boy tells us a tale about the feeling of being looked at by some Pocky-eating, by-standing boys as she’s too distracted with her own feelings to really mind, not really distinguishing between the life and dream.

6. SOPHIE – Faceshopping

We’ve known SOPHIE from hella years ago, when BIPP and LEMONADE were her only tracks hanging from her youtube channel, and it feels great to know our favourite trans lady is having a ball as she surfs through the industry: three days ago, she announced that her (official) debut album is finally ready, so we’ll take the chance to show you “Faceshopping”, a delicious display of violence which is simultaneously a deep treatment on the subject of identity as a product, with visuals to skare little kids away and a beat to stagger like a little worm on the disco.